Teaching Tap via Zoom

So, this post is not directly related to my MA but I felt that it was time to express my thoughts on this new and very different teaching method via Zoom. I say it is not related but as I complete my first module and start to think about the next stage, of course only if all goes well, I feel that this new era may play a poignant part in my module 2 & 3! I am the tap teacher at a dance studio and this has been an interesting period learning how to teach my students via Zoom. Most definitely not the perfect way to teach but I have drawn on the positives and tried not to worry too much about the negatives. At the moment, the students need as much encouragement as possible to help them to stay in great shape both physically and mentally so meeting via Zoom has been a wonderful connection for us all. The positives of teaching this way is that I have actually seen improvement in a lot of the students, their techniques have been strengthened and they seem to have a clearer unders...