
Showing posts from February, 2021

It’s really happening....

This week we had a module three focus discussion.  It was wonderful to connect with the other students from this module but also to be supported by those in other modules too.  It was fascinating and so interesting to hear the areas of research from other students, and that our topics are all so different.  I was very nervous when I was asked to talk about my research and it suddenly made it all feel very real!  However, it was a significant moment for me and I felt a great sense of achievement to have reached this point in the journey of the MA.  I was also so grateful, albeit a little worried to be asked questions by Helen and Angela as well as my fellow module three students, this pushed me even further out of my comfort zone but equally really made me think more about my methodology, the subject area and the significance of the research to my practice and to the broader field.   During the discussion we talked about the type of research we are unde...

Knowledge, Learning and Information

Following the MAPP discussion group on Sunday, here are my thoughts on knowledge, learning and information. Reflecting on Knowledge adds to our learning. Learning to understand information, extends our knowledge.  Using information, to understand our knowledge.  Passing on our knowledge as information for others to add to their knowledge. Sharing information that enables learning to take place.  Understanding the knowledge you have and how to use it.  Learning, develops our knowledge. The cycle of information-learning-knowledge. Through the journey of the modules, I feel that I have used knowledge, learning and information differently in each one.  In module one, learning the extent of my knowledge through my experiences to give me information for my areas of learning.  In module two, absorbing the information and learning how to use it to create my inquiry proposal that then became knowledge.  In module three, I believe I will use my learning to absor...

Moving Forwards

  As I start the process of module three, I am continuing to feel inspired by the literature that I am reading on my choices of data collection and articles on key artists in my field of research.  I have also been reflecting on my philosophical and methodological stances that are now clearer in my head and I can appreciate how they enable the jigsaw pieces of the proposal fit together.   During the process of module two, I felt that the space in my head was too full of bringing the proposal together, ensuring that all areas had been included but it needed time to settle.  The feedback from Adesola and the time to think about my research in between the modules has connected me further to how my inquiry and practice mould together.   Going through the previous two modules during the pandemic has actually enabled me to reflect on areas of my practice that the MAPP journey has influenced me to refresh.  The protocols for COVID-19 at the studios where I teach, ...

Student Voice Meeting

Today we had the first student voice discussion meeting and it was great to see everyone and make a connection. The student voice will provide an opportunity for us to create a community of support during your time on the course and the platform to discuss positive notions as well as any issues that you may be facing or have faced on the course in areas that support your experience as a student.  This is an important element of the Student Voice and key to continue the development of the MAPP. We have set up WhatsApp groups so that we can communicate as students to give support to each other and if you wish to be added please contact  Jacob  or myself.    There will be a meeting for further discussion in a few weeks time so that we can gather more thoughts in preparation for the Student Voice meeting with the Dean. We hope that you will find the SV helpful in many ways as well as a reminder that you are not alone on your journey through the course!

New Term Thoughts

The next chapter has begun! It was really wonderful to meet new and current students at the welcome back zoom on Friday.  It was great that we got to see each other and feel a sense of togetherness right from the onset. This term, as I move into Module Three, I will also be taking on the role as a Student Voice leader along with  Jacob Hughes .   As mentioned at the meeting, this will provide an opportunity for students in the MAPP community to provide feedback that will enable the course to continue to progress.  We are also hoping that it will allow us to connect as students to encourage a support network as we move through our studies.  There will be a Zoom meeting on Thursday 11 February @ 3pm UK time, the link is on the Unihub programme page.  We hope to see you there! I certainly feel that the MA so far has taken me on a rollercoaster of emotions but mostly an amazing journey of learning.  I feel excited to be at the point of carrying out my...