Nearing the Half Way Mark of Module Three

This past week has been filled with so many valuable meetings plus plenty of reading and writing. Through the role of being a student voice leader, which I feel privileged to be involved with, and how it has led to a wealth of connection to the MAPP community that I am very grateful for. This week we will be attending the PVG meeting for this term which will be another new learning experience derived from this MA course. This week, I have begun to draft my critical review and by doing this I feel that it’s helping me to understand how the data I have collected entwines into the literature and connects to the key artists recognized within my research area. This is also helping with the analysis process and ultimately revealing how it will eventually extend into my practice. The process is still a little scary however, ensuring that I am approaching the review with an academic mindset, I feel that through revising the context of module two, I am certainly understa...